Friday, August 27, 2010

Flashback Friday: My Summer before Weight Watchers

I am so excited to post my first Flashback Friday blog post. I got this great idea from my friend, Tia. If you want to know more about Flashback Friday, please check out her blog, The Adventures of Christopher and Tia. I hope to continue to post flashbacks on Fridays from now on.

I think that the most appropriate way to begin posting Flashback Friday blogs is to start with some pictures taken the summer before I joined Weight Watchers. All of these pictures were taken in July 2007, when I went home to attend two different weddings. The first week I was there, my brother got married and the second week I was a bridesmaid in another friend's wedding.

This picture was taken the first night I was back home. It is me and my college friend, Lisa. She and I have both lost weight since this picture was taken. I am so proud of her!

This picture was taken at my brother's rehearsal. It's me and my sisters. I can't believe how young we all look!

This is Jon and I hanging out before the second wedding. I almost used this picture for our Christmas card in 2007, because I only wanted people to see my face. I really did not want to send out a picture that showed just how much weight I had gained.

This picture is from the second wedding that Jon and I were in. I am the second from the left. Wow. I still cannot believe that I let my weight spiral so far out of control.

Visit Tia for more flashbacks.

Flashback Friday Button


Mrs. O said...

This is a great idea! I bet it's great reminding yourself how far you've come!
Mrs. O

Unknown said...

Thanks! It is amazing to look at where I was just a few years ago.


Kirsten said...

Congrats on the weight loss, you look great. A great idea for a blog post.

Unknown said...

Thanks Kirsten!!

Faith said...

Love the idea of Flashback Friday blog post. A big congratulations to you on your weight loss, you look fabulous. Keep up the outstanding work!!

Unknown said...

Thank you! This is my first flashback post and I can't wait to continue to do this every Friday.

urban muser said...

i've never done a flashback friday, but have been thinking about it. great first post.

Unknown said...

Thanks gibknitty! You should try it. It's fun to look back and remember.

Raegun said...

Hi there - thanks for stopping by my blog! You have quite an inspirational! I look forward to following your journey (and maybe learning a few tips from you along the way too!). ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Rae. Thanks for visiting. I am excited to get to know you better in the blogging world!

Tia Colleen said...

I so remember the feeling of "I only want people to see my face". Sometimes I still feel that way. Like right now, 3 weeks after having my third baby, haha. Nobody look below my chin!!! haha. Maybe I should just post a picture of my post surgery stomach and get it overwith already.

Jen you've always been such a sweetheart. You were def one of my favorites back in high school. So glad to have you participating in Flashback Fridays, with us. Can't wait to see what you post next week. Loved this weeks post.

cartoonb said...

You have done great! Nice to be able to look back and see your progress! Woo Hoo!

Jersey Diva Mom said...

Love WW. Such an effective program that after 10 yrs I still revert to for simple balance.

Chelle said...

Is it weird that I don't really remember you being that big? Maybe it's just the extreme comparison between before and after. Anyway, I am happy that you are living healthier and taking care of yourself and your husband. =) Love you so much and I'm so proud of you!

Dawn B said...

Nice idea! I actually found a few old pictures of myself today as well, and have been wondering what I need to do with them. something motivational definitely.

Unknown said...

Tia - Thank you! You are so sweet. I have fond memories of you too. I can't wait to continue to post flashbacks! Thanks for the great idea.

Jersey Diva - I love WW too!

Chelle - People have said that to me before, that they didn't think I was that big. But I was! It's nice to be healthier. Love you!

Cleverly Changing said...

Congrats! You have some good ideas on your blog, and I love Proverbs 31. Visiting form the BF.

Unknown said...

Elle - Thanks for stopping by! I can't wait to check out your blog.


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