Monday, August 30, 2010

Exercise Like Nobody is Watching

This is one of my very favorite Christmas ornaments. We bought it in Leavenworth, WA on my Honeymoon in December 2006. I do not normally purchase figurines in the shape of a dancing cow, but in this case I was willing to make an except. I just love her!

I wish that someone would take this same idea and apply it to exercise. Can you imagine little Christmas ornaments with female figurines of all shapes and sizes trying to exercise. Above her head she would be holding a sign that said, "Exercise Like Nobody is Watching". Can you picture it? I can. Personally, I think it's a great idea.

This reason I would buy an ornament like the one I just described, is because I could relate to that female figurine trying to exercise. I have always felt silly exercising in front of other people. My insecurities probably comes from my perfectionist personality. And from a knowledge that I possess absolutely zero athletic ability.

Whenever I go into the gym I never know how to use the machines. Then when I finally work up enough courage to try a machine I look and feel so uncoordinated and out of place. For this reason I have tried exercising at home. I put an exercise video on at home I make Jon leave the room. I do not want him around while I am making a fool of myself, trying to shred with Jillian. Does anyone else feel this way?

The one and only exercise that has never made me feel like a fool is running. You see when I run it is just me and the road in front of me, no one else. There are not any fancy machines that I have to learn to use, other then my iPod. I bring my iPod to help block out the world around me for a short mile or two. Surprisingly, on the road I do not even care about what others think, which is a freeing feeling.

I believe that running is the perfect exercise for me. To be honest though, I have not been exercising much all summer. I really want to get back into a normal exercise routine, that will most likely involve running! More details about my struggle to exercise to come.

What is your perfect exercise routine? If you have found one, do not worry. Try new exercises until you find the perfect routine for you.


Eat. Live. Laugh. and sometimes shop! said...

I walk a day or two a week and do pilates in a semi-private environment two times a week. Your after is incredible!!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you!! Sounds like you have a great routine.

Ava Loy, Churly Girl said...

I've never been good at running or jogging. But I had a trainer at the gym a long time ago who taught me to never worry about how I look when I'm working out. This knowledge has set me free. I do boxing uppercuts while working on the eliptical machine. I probably look dumb, but i just don't care!!!! I get a great workout and that is all that matters. And guess what, no one has ever batted an eye any any unusual exercises while I've worked out. I had been nervous about nothing.

a Bohemian Market said...

Hi Jennifer:
Wow, you are impressive. I currently look like your before photo. I want/need/will look more like your after photo.
Keep on doing it!!!
Thank you for sharing with us

Unknown said...

Ava Loy, Churly Girl - Thanks for the encouragement! I really need to move beyond what people think about me.

a Bohemian Market - Thank you!

SLIM.JIM2009 said...

I agree, its a great 'motif' to have around - Like you I exercise at home and DH is definitely out of the room during the process!!

So far - I'm enjoying the Shred! Otherwise, its walking or hiking for miles.


Anonymous said...

I love the idea of exercise like no one is watching!! It is definitely something hard to get used to, you should look into making ornaments like that, selling them and donating the money or something! anywho love the idea

Unknown said...

Thanks! I should work on making some kind of ornament like that.

Mrs. O said...

So true! My favorite is running. I seem to be able to completely enter my own mind. I honestly don't even notice the scenery. It's by far my favorite form of exercise. I'm with you on the working out this summer thing, here it has just been TOO hot! It's cooling down now, so I'm going to force myself back out there!
Mrs. O

Unknown said...

Mrs. O - I agree it has been way too hot and I hope to be able to run more this fall!

maria said...

My routine is walking every day.

I try to put in 1 hour daily done in 2 increments.


Unknown said...

Maria - Breaking up that one hour is a great idea!


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