Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nothing Tastes as Good as Peace Feels

I've always loved the phrase, "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feel." For the last 4 weeks, I have been teaching the Made to Crave Bible study at my church.

This week was so challenging, because Lysa started off with a quote,
"Nothing tastes as good as peace feels."
- Made to Crave by, Lysa TerKeurst

I listened to Lysa repeat this phrase several times to get her point across and I could not believe that I had never heard this before. Many people who are on a weight loss journey are doing it to simply get thin, but Lysa challenged us to consider embarking on a healthy eating journey to pursue God's peace instead.

This quote is profound and you should take sometime to really let it sink in.

Why are you on your weight loss journey? Is to be able to fit into those skinny jeans? Or to look great in your bikini for summer?

Are these reasons really going to be enough to keep you at your goal weight? I don't think so.

If you have not done it already, invite God into your weight loss journey. Let your goal be peace above anything else!

Whether you are 335 pounds or 135 pounds, God's love for you never changes! You have been fearfully and wonderfully made!!


Lori Lynn said...

I do really like that quote. Peace does seem like something that would be really nice to have, b/c it seems like there is such a struggle, a fight, and it happens when I'm not staying close to God!

Unknown said...

Lori - I have been in that fight too! God is so much stronger than me, that I need to let Him fight my battles for me.


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