Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Day Date

Friday, Jon and I had a snow day! I had planned for us to have date night on Friday. I drew my inspiration from The Dating Divas, "Baby It's Cold Outside" date idea. Little did I know that Jon and I would get to spend almost the entire day together hanging out.

I took lots of pictures to document our Snow Day Date.

Friday we woke up to find it was snowing outside! In Texas, this rarely happens, but when it does we get really excited about it.

The snow came down all morning and stopped around noon when Jon got home from work.

This is the date set up I had ready when he arrived home. Movies involving snow, coloring pages of winter scenes, hot beverages, S more's, and Settlers.

We do not have a fireplace in our apartment, so I made a small "fire" of my own.

I even made sure to wear a hat, so that I could stay warm.

I went outside to take a picture of me in the snow. I had to do it quickly, because it was so cold outside!

I made Jon this date invite and put it in his lunch!

I always make our lunches the night before work. However, we did not have to go to work, so we ate our lunches together at home. It was fun and kind of felt like a picnic.

Sandwiches were our lunch of choice.

Jon's was so good, can't you tell!?

Then we played Settlers of Catan.

Jon and I really love playing this game.

I took a quick walk outside after our game to get the mail. Once again, it was freezing!

See, this is me outside in the snow.

Jon and I spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching TV. For dinner we had leftovers, but for dessert we made S more's!

You can see mine on the left, I made it without chocolate, but still tasted very yummy.

We cooked them in the microwave for just a few seconds.

The marshmallows got very big!

So big that I had to separate them!

Jon's was good, but really hot!

Yummy! This was a fun and warm dessert!

Finally, we colored winter pictures. Jon did a great job coloring his snowboarder.

Mine didn't come out too bad either!

We had such a fun day and were so glad that we got to spend a little extra special time together this weekend!


mrsmarkdave said...

you are so fun. I almost wish I was married to you haha :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks MrsMarkDave! I think Jon would be just a little jealous. :)

Losing Brownies said...

What a sweet date!! The snow looks so pretty. We never see snow on the ground here, but at least it's only a few hours drive! How many points were the chocolate vs no chocolate smores?

Anonymous said...

It looks like a wonderful date.

Karen said...

Such a sweet post about young married love! Don't ever lose that. If you are creative like this, you won't! blessings on your day, Jen.


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