Saturday, October 2, 2010

Website Nutrition

Here is the latest Get Fit email from Dr. Jacobs.

Eat Better by Surfing the Net
By RealAge

If all too often your fresh fruits and veggies fail to make it from your crisper drawer onto your plate, try going online. Research shows that Web sites aimed at boosting nutrition can help increase people's produce intake by almost three servings a day.

Cyber-Help for Health
Here's what you want to look for: online tools that help you set goals and track your progress, audio and video programs that educate you on nutrition, and menus and recipes that help you organize your meals around healthy fruits and veggies. These were key elements in the study that helped people transform their eating habits. And a subset of people in the study who also received motivational e-mail counseling upped their fresh produce intake even more.

Eat Your Veggies
Whether you're looking to lose weight, fight wrinkles, boost energy, or enhance immunity -- fruits and vegetables can help you do it, thanks to the vitamins, antioxidants, polyphenols, and plant sterols they provide. The good news about the recent study of online nutrition programs is that a good one can make a long-lasting impression. Not only did people in the study stay on board for the entire yearlong study, but also 80 percent of them returned to the online program at the end of the study because they liked it so much.


Unknown said...

Good info! I am guilty of having to throw out veggies cause they sat in my fridge too long.... Must work on that! It doesn't happen too often, but still. It shouldn't happen at all!

Have a great day! :)

Unknown said...

Kelly - Thanks!


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