Friday, October 15, 2010

Flashback Friday: Our Trip to Dallas

This weekend Jon and I are headed to the Texas State fair with some friends of ours. We are so excited and cannot wait to go, especially since Jon has never been to a fair before. I will be sure to take lots of pictures to share with you all next week. I am going to do my best to stay on plan and avoid all the fair food. I have bought lots of apples and carrots to take with me instead.

I am so excited for our trip to the fair that it was reminding me of another trip we took exactly two years ago. This weekend, two years ago (Oct. 2008) Jon and I went away for the weekend with some friends. We went to Dallas and watched a hockey game, ate at great restaurants, went to the Farmer's Market, and the zoo! We had such a wonderful time.

This weekend was significant in another way as well. This was the first weekend I ever tried to count calories on my own! Earlier that week in 2008, I a doctor’s appointment that changed my life. My doctor told me that I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and that I had three months to diet and exercise to get some of my weight off or else I might have to start taking medicine.

This came as no shock to me, because I knew I was overweight. However I could not help thinking to myself, how did you let it get this bad?

This was the motivation I needed to begin to change my life. I hate going to the doctor and being on medicine for the rest of my life did not sound appealing to me at all. So I did my best to count calories and follow the diet guidelines that my doctor had given me.

It only took two weeks, before I realized that I needed help and joined Weight Watchers. However, I am so glad that I can look back on this weekend to see where I was and how little I knew about healthy eating. It gives me so much joy to see just how far someone can come in such a short amount of time.

Below are some pictures from our weekend trip two years ago.

Jon and I the morning before we left on our trip. I was about 226 pounds at that time.

Jon and I after we watched the Colorado Avalanche beat the Dallas Stars.

Dallas Farmer's Market

The fruit was so good here!

A GIANT pumpkin!

Elephants!! I love going to the zoo.

Me with me favorite animal, the elephant.

Visit Tia for more flashbacks.
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Tia Colleen said...

Is that the Ft. Worth zoo? We're going for the first time on Wednesday. The kids are going to FREAK OUT when they see the train.

I have various medical conditions, not weight related, that require me to have surgical procedures done yearly. I hate it. If there was something I could do to change it, I would. Since I've been pregnant and/or breastfeeding the past couple of years, I haven't had them done, and every day I think about what will happen the next time I visit the operating room. Honestly, I'm terrified.

So I can sort of relate to being chained to a bottle of pills everyday. I'm chained to vitamins instead though. And hospitals, when I go by the rules.

Good for you, Jen. For getting yourself on track, and not needing the aid of a capsule.

Unknown said...

Hi, Tia,
Nope. That was the Tyler zoo, just a smaller zoo in East Texas. You're kids are going to love that!

That would be so hard. I think surgery would be worse. The most I have had done was to have my wisdom teeth removed. :)

Marlene said...

I SO need to get back on program! At my last appt. my cholesterol was up.....and I am on medication for it. I have 6 months to work on it or I will be on more medication. Why can't I seem to make myself get started? Big sigh....

Unknown said...

Marlene - It is so hard to start back again after stopping. I had trouble starting again, because I didn't want to be a failure again. You are worth it!

Muriel said...

What a great share! I have been having such a hard time trying to start back up my workout/healthy eating program again! You look great and congrats on all you have accomplished!

Unknown said...

Muriel - Thanks! It is worth it to get back on the wagon.

Losing Brownies said...

Have a great time at the fair!! I love that you are taking apples and carrots! That is the best idea!

Unknown said...

Losing Brownies - Thanks! I am so excited!!

Amanda said...

Hey! I found your blog off Flashback Fridays. I think it's great you have lost so much weight, and you look fantastic! I actually just ran my first half marathon last weekend. You should definitely train for and run one. It's a great experience!

Unknown said...

Areese - I am so glad that you found my blog. Congrats on your 1/2 marathon. I would love to do that someday!

Rachel said...

Do we get pictures from this year's trip too? I love couple pictures!
I am so proud to see other women who have has success with weight watchers too! I love 30 pounds with weight watchers a few years ago. Since then I've gone to grad school and we are starting a family so majorly concentrating on weight loss is not a focus right now but I will definitely go the same route again because it truly is a reliable way to take the weight off for good!

Unknown said...

Rachel - Yes I will post pictures of this weekends trip as well! I think I will always come back to Weight Watchers.

CONNIES6 said...

I hope to go to the State fair someday it sounds like such a great time. Love your blogs....thanks for sharing.


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