Monday, October 25, 2010

Absolutely Parched

Ever since we moved in May, I have had a hard time getting in all my liquids everyday. I think it has to do with me being too picky about my water and did not like the way it tasted.

So, I started drinking one Crystal Light drink a day. Slowly, Crystal Light became my only source of liquids. The only problem with this is that any day I went without Crystal Light I would get a headache, which is not good either. I was so tired of getting headaches, that I stopped drinking Crystal Light.

Without Crystal Light I had pretty much stopped drinking liquids all together. I would have a drink of water if I was really thirsty, but I have not made it a priority.

This MUST change. I need to get in my liquids, especially my water everyday.

I felt so much better when I was drinking at least 8, 8 oz glasses of water a day. I want to get back to that! I am going to break out my Nalgene water bottle and start drinking more.

I found this video link at I'm Gonna Do It!. I was so excited, because Bob Harper talks about the importance of hydration.

I am not going to get into the scientific side of things. I found lots of articles on the internet that talk about the benefits of water. If you are interested in doing more reading on this, please check out the links below.

Water Links
Water and Your Diet: Staying Slim and Regular With H2O
10 Reasons To Drink More Water
Drinking Enough Water


ladyinpurple said...

I like your blog..I like blogs about life, getting fit and living healthy!I'm following u now (^__*)Expect me to visit more often

Unknown said...

LadyinPurple - Thank you! I am so glad to have you following my blog now!!

Toni @ Imperfect Pregnancy said...

Carrying around my water bottle with me everywhere I go is the only way I get in my water.

Unknown said...

Toni - That's a great idea. I need to start doing the same thing.

Tina said...

Hi Jen!

Great Blog to encourage people to drink 8 - 8oz of water a day! Plain water does so much more for us than the drinks we make .

That's funny because this morning while I was at work on my morning shift i was thinking about doing a challenge for people to drink more water than they have been.

In christ's Love & prayers
Sis in Christ

Unknown said...

Tina - Thanks! Water is so much more important than we ever realize. Good luck with your challenge.

Losing Brownies said...

Getting in my liquids is so hard! It is my biggest challenge. I do keep a water bottle with me, but I also drink a lot of iced tea (decaf). I know it's not the same, but at least its sugar free right?

Unknown said...

Losing Brownies - That's good that you are getting some liquids. Decaf Iced Tea is probably a good choice!

momyshaver said...

I struggle with getting my water in too. I tried diet soda and herbal tea sweetened with truvia to help but I could totally agree with the points you made in your blog about Crystal Light and why you stopped. I will probably keep the herbal tea but ditch the soda and try to drink more water during the day. It just isn't easy at all for me

Unknown said...

Momyshaver - Thanks. I think it is challenging for everyone and something I need to do a better job at. Herbal tea is a good idea.

MySaggyButt said...

My mother thinks water is sweet though I've never agreed with her. Maybe she just told us that when we were kids to get us to drink it...:) I have a fancy bottle that I bought from Starbucks...I think it makes the water taste better! Visiting from BlogFrog...great blog btw!

Unknown said...

MySaggyButt - Thanks for visiting from Blog Frog! That may have been something your Mom said to get you to drink more water. It's a creative idea.

wenstumped said...

Water is the best! I know people generally tend to take in their fluids in different forms (juices, soft drinks n stuff) but water is the only real zero calorie drink out there that will not cause side effects in the long term.

Unknown said...

wenstumped - I think I am going to stick with water too!

Victoria said...

Water is essential, whether you like to drink it or not, and should not be a chore to drink. Although for me it was, as my water tasted bad, and after doing some research, found there were so many contaminants in the water, some that posed health risks. So, I went out and got a water filter, and now love to drink water. I drink at least 8 glasses a day, and always have a refillable bottle with me wherever I go. If you have a hard time drinking water, unless it's bottled water, save your money and get a water filter. It will change the taste of your water, and you won't regret it.


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