Friday, October 29, 2010

Flashback Friday: Two Years Ago Today...

Yesterday, October 28th, 2010, was my Two Year Anniversary with Weight Watchers!!

This is a day that I truly celebrate!! Two years ago, I had been told by my doctor to diet and exercise. For two weeks I tried my best to track my calories, but it was not working. I was so afraid of eating too much that I was not eating anything at all.

My co-worker, Anna, had been a Weight Watchers member in the past and she helped me to understand the program. She told me that I could eat anything I wanted, as long as I stayed within my points. This was a huge selling point for me, because I had done diets before that made you eat their food and I did not want to do that again.

I was nervous about the Weight Watchers meeting. I hope that it would not be a time to confess what I had eaten that last week. I shared my concerns with Anna and she explained that the meetings were not like that at all.

It is hard to believe that two years ago I attended my very first Weight Watchers meeting. I remember asking Jon if I could just go to the meeting and check it out. I was not planning on signing up for anything that first evening, but God had other plans. I went and sat through the meeting. Before the meeting was even over, I knew that this was the program I wanted to commit to doing.

At my first meeting I weighed in at 225 pounds and I was a size 18. This was the largest I had ever been in my entire life. I was not convinced in the beginning that I would make it all the way, but I asked God to give me strength. I made a commitment to myself that no matter how long it took to get the weight off, I was not going to quit. I have kept that promise to myself.

It is amazing to look back and see just how far I have come.

This picture was taken four days after I joined Weight Watchers at our Sunday school pumpkin carving party.

Visit Tia for more flashbacks.
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Marlene said...

Congratulations on your success!

One of the things that I love about Weight Watchers is that I know I can always eat vegetables. "Diet" in the past had meant big hunger. Not fun. I always knew with Wt. Watchers if I was hungry, I could open a can of green beans and have at it without jeopardizing the plan.

mrsmarkdave said...

Congratulations. I don't remember on what day it was exactly but it was 8 years ago this month that I started WW. I lost 52 lbs in about a year and a half. Quit going to meetings and promptly gained all but 5 lbs back. However, over the course of the last 6 1/2 years - I've rejoined literally about 10 times. Just to quit again because apparently I wasn't motivated.
Now, I'm in it for the long haul. I've lost and gained and lost and gained since April. I just can't let myself give up, though.

wenstumped said...

Congratulations, you have achieved something truly admirable. You really should be proud of yourself and keep at it. Remember staying healthy is a life long commitment.

Unknown said...

Marlene - Thank you! Vegetables are my go to food when I am hungry. It is nice to eat things and not feel guilty about it later.

MrsMarkDave - Thanks! Don't ever give up. That's the attitude you want to have. Doing anything is better than nothing.

wenstumped - Thank you! It really is. I don't think I realized how much of a commitment it would be when I first started.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a huge accomplishment! It's women like you who are so inspiring for the commitment you've made to being healthy as I am on a similar journey (though I'm not convinced Weight Watcher or programs like it are right for least right now).

Unknown said...

Katie - Thanks! Good luck in your journey. I hope that you find a program that works for you and helps you lead a healthy lifestyle.

Losing Brownies said...

Happy anniversary! Its great that you've stuck with iit for so long! You look amazing and you are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Your an Inspiration to me I am so glad you added me as a friend. This blog had made my commitment stronger. Thanks for sharring.

*+*+* Caroline *+*+*

Cintia Listenbee said...

congrats! going to my first ww meeting today.

Unknown said...

Simply Cintia - Thank you! That's awesome! Let me know how your meeting goes.

Unknown said...

Losing Brownies - Thank you!!

Caroline - You're welcome!!

flesch1234 said...

Congratulations! Two years, that's wonderful.

pagecj said...

Congrats. I can't believe that you have done it this long. This gives me a lot of hope for myself. Thanks for the inspiration.


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