Friday, October 22, 2010

Flashback Friday: LA Weight Loss

I had a bit of a blast from the past this week and I want to share this with you as my Flashback.

On Tuesday, at my Weight Watchers meeting I had a woman approach me and ask, "What is your name?" She said that she saw my a few weeks ago and I looked familiar, but she could not remember where she knew me from. She had finally remembered who I was and this is why she was asking my name, just to make sure she was right.

It turns out, I was a former client of hers at LA Weight Loss. She asked how much I had lost and complimented me on my success. I told her that I had lost 90 pounds and that I loved the Weight Watchers program.

As she walked away I could not believe that I had run into her! I immediately sent Jon a text, because I knew that he would be just as surprised as I was.

You see, LA Weight Loss was the first diet I ever tried. It was an extremely rigid program. You were required to weigh in three times a week at one of their centers. You were also supposed to eat two of their LA Lite bars a day. We spent more money on that program, bars, and food then I have spent all together on Weight Watchers.

I started losing weight with them in January 2007 and quit is June 2007. In that time I was able to lose about 40 pounds. However, the moment I got off the program I began to gain it all back. I gained everything back and then some! I was so ashamed of the money that we had wasted and that I had been unable to maintain my weight loss. I never wanted to do another fad diet like that again.

June 2007, I was about 180 and I had lost about 40 pounds on LA Weight Loss.

January 2008, Celebrating our anniversary in Houston, TX. I was back up to 200 or more.

When I learned about Weight Watchers it was like a breath for fresh air! I did not buy any products at my meeting when I first joined, because I did not want it to be like the last diet I did. I wanted to be able to eat anything I want and still lose weight.

If you are like me and have failed at fad diets, don't let the shame, guilt, or embarrassment hold you back from living a healthy lifestyle. It takes a lot of courage to change your lifestyle, but let me tell you that when you is worth it!

Visit Tia for more flashbacks.
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mrsmarkdave said...

Weighing in 3 times a week is completely insane!!!! I have a friend that used to be a WW leader and she had a guy in her program that was on one of those diets that they send you your prepackaged food. Can't remember what. Well, when he quit that, he ballooned right back up because he no longer had anyone measuring out his portions. It's crazy. I agree Weight Watchers is absolutely the way to go. Even though I haven't lost ANYTHING and I've been doing it since April (for the millionth time in 8 years).

Unknown said...

MrsMarkDave - I agree Weight Watchers teaches you how to lead a healthier lifestyle which is the most important thing! It you stick with it, it does work.

Toni @ Imperfect Pregnancy said...

This is a great story, Jen. I love the fact that you looked so amazing without their stupid fad diet.

Unknown said...

Thanks Toni! I felt great and I just had to rub it in that I LOVE weight watchers.

s|davis said...

Weight watchers is AMAZINGGGGGGGG!

Unknown said...

*S - I could not agree more!

Losing Brownies said...

I had a few friends who did LA weight loss and they did not have very much success with maintiance. I loved weight watchers.

Unknown said...

Losing Brownies - Yes, I knew someone on LA Weight loss and she lost a lot of weight. Maintenance is always hard.

momyshaver said...

Wow. I can only imagine how validating it was to run into her, especially with all the progress you have made. I can't rave enough about how great Weight Watchers is. I haven't reached goal yet but I have total confidence that if I stay on program I will reach my goal in a healthful and sustainable way. I love the fact that Weight Watchers allows me to eat all my favorite dishes but teaches me how to be reasonable in portion size and quantity. I love your blog. I don't have much time to write as a homeschool mom of 6 children but you put things so well in the written word. Thank you for sharing your success with all of us on the world wide web!

Unknown said...

Momyshaver - Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are so sweet. The reason I chose Weight Watchers is because I wanted to be able to eat everything!

Tia Colleen said...

I can't even imagine weighing in 3 times a week. You become obsessed with it, at that point!

jcvwking said...

I totally agree w/you. When I say I do WW people are always like oh, you eat smartones all the time, uh no, I eat regular food just watch the portions and compensate a little bad for a lot of good. My co-worker did LA weight loss and she always talks about what she could/couldn't have and is shocked that I don't have limitations like that. Of course she spent a whole lot of $ and has gained most if not all of it back!

Ceri said...

Hi, you have a pretty inspiring blog. I saw your cobbler cake post via pintrest and was reading some of your flash back Friday posts. I did LA weight loss about 7 years ago. I was about 20 lbs from my goal when I got pregnant and had to put it on hold. Well, I never went back so I never made it to maintenance. It was SO restrictive What I did during plan was print a copy of my sign up receipt, I said to myself, is this worth $XXX (I can't remember the amount) dollars? some times it was most of the time it wasn't. I spent SO much money, never saw final results. (Not that I kept off) I know others who have done weight watchers, I have always been nervous to try it because I spent SO MUST money on LA Weight loss... maybe it is time to check it out. Thanks! (PS I was at 220 when I started LA Weight loss, dropped to 170 my goal was 160) Now I am about 5 lbs higher than my heaviest point... Time for a change. Thanks again!


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