Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just The Beginning

For the past six weeks, on Sunday nights, I have been leading a ladies Bible study called, Me, Myself and Lies: A Thought Closet Makeover By, Jennifer Rothschild. We have been meeting at church to talk about our "thought closets" and the lies and/or truths that we tell ourselves on a daily basis.

The six week study had five lessons that we were supposed to complete each week. During out time of Bible study we would watch a twenty to thirty minute video, in which Jennifer would share truth with us. She also shared stories from her own real life experiences and told us how God has been able to transform her thought closet.

This past Sunday, October 24, 2010, was our last week of Bible study. It is always sad to me when something ends. I have gotten to know and cherish the women in my Bible study. I am so excited about all that God has taught us. While watching the final video I was so encouraged to hear Jennifer answer the dread of my heart. I was afraid of this study ending, but Jennifer assured me that this was just the beginning. I am so thankful that God knows my heart and what I need to hear at just the right time.

When I began this study I am sure that my thought closet looked a lot like this picture below.

I wish I could tell you that now my thought closet looks like this!

My thought closet is not a disaster anymore, because I am working on it. It will never be perfect, but this study has given me the tools I need to continue to replace lies with God's truth. I am praying that God will help me to continue to learn to walk in His truth a little more everyday!

I would recommend this study to any woman who has ever said anything negative to yourself. That would be all of us wouldn't it? If you are looking for a good Bible study to do, maybe you should check this out! This is too important to put off!


Losing Brownies said...

I will have to check that book out. It sounds interesting.

Unknown said...

Losing Brownies - It is interesting! Hope you enjoy it!

John and Deb Barker said...

I have never heard of Jennifer Rothschild. I am anxious to talk to my friends and see if they would like to look at our thought closets! Thank you for the recommendation. I will let you know what they think!

Unknown said...

Debbie - This is the first study I have done by Jennifer, but it was good. Please let me know what you think.

NATALIE=85 said...

This sounds amazing! I think I need to read that book.


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