Friday, September 3, 2010

Flashback Friday: My Biggest Loser Reveal

I knew what I wanted to tell you about this week for my Flashback Friday blog post. However, after my Wordless Wednesday pictures that all changed. Wednesday I went searching through my blog for a video I was sure I had posted last year. I could have sworn that I posted this on my blog after I filmed it, but I guess not. So, I have moved things around and decided that this video would serve as my Flashback today.

I love The Biggest Loser. When I started losing weight I decided that I needed to keep a pair of my fat pants. I showed you those pants in my most recent Wordless Wednesday post, if you missed it go check them out. I kept those pants, because I to be able to remember where I have come from. Just a few months ago I was able to fit into those pants with my sister in law! Can you believe that those pants used to be tight on me?

Another reason I kept my fat pants, is that I wanted to be able to film my very own biggest loser reveal video. You know what I'm talking about right? Someone gets kicked off the show and the very last thing they show is a video of that person and where they are today. At the very end the always have a pair of their old pants and they drop them to the floor revealing their new slimmer self.

So naturally after I reached Lifetime with Weight Watchers last November 2009, I filmed my very own Biggest Loser reveal. I know I'm weird, but that really is one thing that I was very excited to do after reaching my goal. Enjoy!!

Visit Tia for more flashbacks.
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Mrs. O said...

You are amazing! I would totally want a video like that too, if I was you! Congratulations again!
Mrs. O

Unknown said...

Mrs. O - Thanks! I figured I might as well finish out the week with my fats pants. :)

Stacey Kannenberg said...

WOO HOO!!! What an amazing story and accomplishment! WOW!

Alessandra said...

Hi! Thanks for following me on blogfrog!! Your blog is wonderful. I followed you back. I'm following you on your blog via google connect feel free to follow on my blog as well

Susan Holt Simpson said...

Very Cool! Oh how I admire your weight loss - and am working on one of my own. Thanks for posting all the encouragement,


Devon said...

Awesome!! You are very inspiring!!

Unknown said...

Stacey - Thank you!

♥The Sweet Life♥ - Thanks for visiting from Blog Frog!

Sweet Annabelle - Thank you! Good luck on your weight loss!

Nen - Thank you!

Biren said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! God bless :)


Unknown said...

Biren - Thank you!

Losing Brownies said...

That is awesome!

Unknown said...

Losing Brownies - Thank you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on a job well done. You are looking awesome.

Unknown said...

Odie Langley - Thanks!

KT said...

hi there... just stopping in from blog frog! Thanks so much for the comment on my blog! Wow!! You look amazing!!! What an incredible journey you must have had!

Unknown said...

KT - Thank you! It's always great to have new visitors from Blog Frog!!

ROBERTKC said...

Congratulations on the loss and thank you for sharing.

BLUEMOOSE7 said...

Fun! Great job!!

The Lady's Lounge said...

Yeay! You really are amazing! What an inspiration. Maybe it's time for me to stop complaining about being fat but eating toblerone and espresso for breakfast in the mornings.
Thank you!

Unknown said...

The Lady's Lounge - Thank you. It is so hard to stop complaining and do something. I still complain even now!

Veronica said...

Wow what an amazing journey you've been on! :)

Unknown said...

veronica - It has been quite a journey!


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