Saturday, September 4, 2010

Celebrating My Followers!!

Yesterday, I reached over 100 followers for my blog. Yay!!

Today is about celebrating YOU my followers!

I just wanted to take the time to express my gratitude to those of you who read and follow my blog. I started out with the desire to share what I had learned on my weight loss journey with others. I had no idea how incredibly blessed I would be by the people I have met since starting my blog. I truly love blogging and it's even better when I have people that enjoy reading what I have to say.

From the bottom of my heart,

Thank you for always leaving the most encouraging comments, which help motivate me to work hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for your advice. Most of all thank you for opening up your hearts to me. Thank you for sharing with me about your weight loss struggles, that is not easy to do, I feel honored to be able to hear about each of your stories.

Have a very Happy Labor Day weekend!!


Anonymous said...

Way to go on your weight loss. I am passing through from the Lady Blogger Tea Party and I must say that you look fabulous! I am about to embark on the journey of the Gastric Bypass. I am almost at the point of getting my surgery date.

I will be back to piddle more around your blog :)

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Dawn - Thank you for stopping by! I hope that your surgery goes well.

Anna said...

Congrats, that is awesome! You are awesome! What an inspiration you are! Stopping by from Lady Bloggers!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through blogfrog. You have an amazing story, and I look forward to reading more.

scrapwordsmom said...

wow! YOu look amazing!! I am stopping by for the first time via LBS. I could use some motivation so I'll be back:)

Losing Brownies said...

Hurray for reaching 100!

Karen said...

You look fabulous! I love you page about low point foods. I wish I'd had that as a resource when I did WW years ago.

Unknown said...

classycareergirl - Thank you! - Thanks!

scrapwordsmom - Thanks! Can't wait to have you back.

Losing Brownies - Thank you!

Karen - Thanks! It is helpful to have that page so that I remember all of the low point options I have out there!

Unknown said...

WTG ! You are def an inspiration and it's awesome that you share your journey with others! It's a privilege to follow you ! :)

Hugs and have a great weekend :)


mrsmarkdave said...

I have been thinking about you ALL day!
So, my husband and I went out for lunch today. Normally, I would gobble my whole entire entree down in 3 min or less. Today? Different story. I gobbled down HALF my entree and decided to bring the other half home for supper.
I actually did that frequently when I was on my trek to lose 52 lbs. But I haven't done it it 6 years at least. I am so excited that even though my entree wasn't the healthiest on the menu, I at least practiced self-control. Thanks for the motivation :-)

Gracefully Vintage said...

Hello, thanks for your kind words on my Cards- AND KUDOs to you , YOu look AMAZNG.. Very happy for you...
a new follower as well..
Love your Blog..

Running Diva Mom said...

so happy to be following (aka lurking!!) your journey!

Unknown said...

Kelly - Thank you!! It has been so good to get to know you!

mrsmarkdave - Yay! Way to practice self-control!! That's awesome. Thanks for sharing that with me.

Karryann - Thank you! It is so nice to meet you!

Running Diva Mom - I am so happy to have you following my journey as well!!

Grandma Carol said...

I have been a follower of you all of my life. Besides being my wonderful daughter you are such an inspiration to so many women. I am truly blessed to and honored to be your mom!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mom!

Unknown said...

Yeah! We're friends on Blogfrog and I just followed your blog too! I'd love for you to follow along on our family adventures as we are in the process of adopting twins from Ethiopia!
Beneath the Acacia Tree

Unknown said...

Jamie - Thanks for following my blog! That is so exciting. My husband and I have always talked about adoption children.


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