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I really enjoy receiving emails and Facebook messages from YOU my readers! Thank you so much for taking the time to open up and be vunlerable with me, someone you have never even met. I take time to pray for each one of you as I read your stories. Receiving your emails helps me to know what you all are struggling with, and it gives me some direction to know what to write about on my blog throughout the week!
This morning after reading and responding to several emails I was overwhelming with this desire to talk to you about getting out of the "waiting for tomorrow" mindset. Last week, I shared a meeting summary with you about Turning Slip Ups Into Success. If you have not read it, I would highly recommend that you check it out.
If you are traveling the road called, weight loss, you have probably experienced your fair share of slip ups and failures. Anytime when we get off track and/or off plan we have two choices.
Option #1: The first thing we could choose to do after a slip up is to throw in the towel altogether. We can let discouragement take us farther and farther away from our goals until we have gained most, if not all, of our weight back. We choose to focus on the negative and see ourselves as a failure.
Option #2: The other option that we have after a slip up, is to decide to learn from our mistakes and setbacks. We decide that all of our hardwork is too important to throw away, because of one mistake. We find the courage necessary to get back on the scale and get back on plan.
When you choose option #2 you begin to realize the strength that God has given you to be successful on your weight loss journey. With every slip up you learn a little bit more, but each time you choose to continue to persevere. Before you know it, you will reach your weight loss goal and have developed a little bit more character along the way.
If you had a slip up last night or six months ago the solution to your problems is one in the same. Get back on plan TODAY! Stop waiting for tomorrow and making excuses for why you can't do it. This morning decide to change your mindset and choose to learn from your mistakes. It's not going to be easy, but you are worth it!
Below I've included a video of Mandisa's song and lyrics for, "Waiting For Tomorrow", because it has been such an encouragement to me. I pray that it will give you the encouragement you need to get back on plan today.
If you are committing to get back on plan, please leave me a comment, so that I can be praying for you!
"Waiting For Tomorrow"
By, Mandisa
Maybe tomorrow we'll start over
Maybe tomorrow I will finally change my ways
Said the same things yesterday
Don't know why I'm so afraid
To let you in
To let you win
To let you have all of me
Can't spend my whole life wastin'
Everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made for so much more than
Sittin' on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better
Everyday's a day to start over
So, why am I waiting for tomorrow
Maybe today I'll start believing
That you're mercy is really
As real as you say it is
It doesn't matter who I used to be
It only matters that I've been set free
You rescued me you're changing me
Jesus take everything
Can't spend my whole life wastin'
Everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made for so much more than
Sittin' on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better
Everyday's a day to start over
So, why am I waiting for tomorrow
Oh, I'm makin this my moment now
To grab the hand that's reachin down to save me You saved me
And I'm makin this my moment now
To grab the hand that's reachin down to save me You saved me
Can't spend my whole life wastin'
Everything I know I've been given
'Cause you've made for so much more than
Sittin' on the side lines
I don't wanna look back and wonder
If good enough could've been better
Everyday's a day to start over
So, why am I waiting for tomorrow
I'm gonna grab the hand that's reachin down
And I'm not gonna wait until tomorrow
Oh, tomorrow
I met my goal the 2 weeks before the PP plan started. My life has been really hectic with job loss and illness in the family. I didnt take the time for myself to learn and now 1 1/2 yrs later I got on the scale on thurs and am up 40 lbs. I knew it was bad but wow, not that bad. I started planning and tracking on friday and this morning I am down about 5 lbs. It feels good to be in control. I would appreciate your prayers, and I will pray for you and your sweet baby. I have my first grandbaby due 8-27 : ))
This was a great thing for me to read this morning. I posted last night on my blog about yet another slip-up, but this time I said I wasn't letting that one event ruin another minute of my life!!! Thanks. :)
This is great exactly what I needed to hear today....I kinda just stumbled upon your blog, I think it was divine intervention! I think I'm gonna check out your other blogs!
Very Encouraging! One thing that has really helped me on my lifelong journey to lose weight is to look at it one decision at a time. Thinking of losing 30+ lbs is DAUNTING to anyone! And, yes, you do need to make the 'big decision' to 'do it', but for me - it's all about 1 small decision at a time. Small decision: "Will eating XYZ right now get me closer to my goal?" or "Will skipping a work out today get me closer to my goal?" All I have to do is answer that question when things seem overwhelming. Losing weight is like saving money. Every little decision adds up!
Jen, I emailed you a little over two weeks ago and I would like to thank you for your encouraging words that have sent me in the right direction. I have now lost a total of 7lbs and I am still pushing forward. I have been on an up and down diet for months and I feel that God sent me to you. I would appreciate your prayers because this is an every day battle as you certainly know. But mostly I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I love this post. I was recently in a huge funk. A sleeping all day everyday, feeling sorry for myself, funk. Finally, I had to wake myself up (literally) and remember that I am in control of my life, and I am in control of today, so if I want things to change, I need to get up and change them! :)
Thank you for the work your put into this blog, I truly enjoy reading every piece of it. In 2005 I lost 55 lbs on WW and I was close to my goal but not quite there, I then became pregnant w/ my first baby. Yay! In less than 2 years baby #2 arrived and I fell back into my old eating habits and not exercising. When I went to the Dr. in the fall of 2011 my weight was 15 lbs more than when I started WW and 5 lbs more than when I delivered my babies. I recently rejoined WW and have taken 20 lbs off but it's a daily battle to make good choices. The next step I need to make is to make God my weight loss partner, thank you for that advice. I would appreciate your prayers.
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