Monday, September 19, 2011


Good Morning Blog Friends! How are you? How are your weight loss journeys going?

I'm sorry for being a blog slacker last week. I've been really stressed which makes it hard to blog. When I am stressed I often end up cutting things out of my life that I enjoy the most. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's what I have been doing the last few weeks. I have put myself on the back burner and made others a priority over myself. I cannot do this any longer! I have to get my priorities back in order and put myself closer to the top!!

Another reason that it has been hard for me to blog is because I feel like I am running out of things to say. Did I just say that!? It's probably not good to admit to your readers that you are suffering from writer's block, but it is true. Please do not misunderstand me, I love writing for this blog! I love being honest and open with you about Weight Watchers, healthy eating, struggles, spiritual things and more. However, I would really appreciate having some reader questions or topic suggestions to go off of.

Will you help me?

Thanks for letting me be honest with you!


Miss Nutmeg said...

i'd love to help you! I'm actually just restarting my whole journey on WW and have completed my first week. I've just discovered your blog, so how about a "For Beginngers" post for people like me? Like, seeing your final results are super inspiring, but can i really do this too? How did you keep committed, and keep patience with yourself? Would love to hear more :)

ps, im just starting a new blog about this whole thing too!

Kimberly said...

No problem. I have a question for you.

I've noticed so many people struggling lately, whether it's here in blog world, my Weight Watchers meetings, and even myself! I'm wondering what's going on, but even more so, I would love to know what your thoughts are and what advice you have for those of us who are struggling. I've been with Weight Watchers for a year and three months. I've lost 50 pounds, but am really stuck. I've spent all summer spinning my wheels so to speak. How do you keep the momentum going? And how do you keep going when you don't always feel like it?

You may have already addressed this in your blog and if you have, I apologize. I would be ever so grateful for any words of wisdom. Thanks!

Dee said...

Hi Jennifer,
I'm Dee from Staten Island, New York and I don't really have a topic per-se, but I just wanted to share with you how much of an inspiration you are to me, (a stranger lol). I'm a new follower on your blog and have been reading and taking in alot of the info and ideas you share on here. Thank you for your tips, your strategies, for being a real-life inspiration showing that it CAN be done but most importantly....proudly proclaiming your love of Jesus. How awesome it is to come across another believer who isn't ashamed to put it out there for all to see that she loves the Lord. God bless you.
Your Sister in Christ, Dee Vazquez

-J.D. Humenay said...

Hang in there! Depression loves nothing more than to keep you MORE depressed. I do the same thing and fight against it whenever I feel it coming on. Maybe you're just getting a little burnt out since you work for Weight Watchers now and feel like you're repeating yourself by putting it on here too? I'd think that's completely normal. :) How about trying something new? Maybe sign up for a local race/event? Danskin or SheRox has a large number of amazing women's only sprint triathlon experiences. Changed my life doing one! I'd recommend it to EVERY WOMAN regardless of size or athletic ability!

Anonymous said... may have already covred this. But I am really having a hard time being consistent on the weekends. I tend to eat all my allowance on the weekend, not track very well, and not exercise a lot. Which makes it for a hard week. I feel like I am fighting the whole week to stay at target bc I ate all my allowance.

My questions: How can I better prepare my weekends for a healthier but relaxed approach. The weekends are veg time or really busy and stressful.

We tend to eat out junk on the weekends.

Btw, it is fine to admit writers block. IT is usually when we admit it that things open up and we take of sailing again. Its the launch pad, ya know.

You inspire no matter what.

Meagan Joye said...

More recipe reviews! I've loved every single recipe I've gotten from you!


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