Here is a summary of my Weight Watchers meeting on January 19, 2010.
We all know that exercise is extremely beneficial to our health. Combined with eating healthy,
Exercise :
1. can help burn excess calories
2. is a key skill to weigh maintenance
3. can improve health, energy levels, and mental focus
4. and can give you a feeling of accomplishment.
We can all come up with at least one reason not to exercise but this week really try to focus on getting in a minimum of 10 minutes of activity day. That is your weekly challenge. So come up with the best strategy to suit you. I have included some of the tips listed in the meeting:
1. Stock up on motivating DVDs or videos: You can bring aerobics, toning, yoga, tai chi, kickboxing, belly dancing and all your favorite workouts to you with a solid library of workout videos and DVDs.The library, Hastings, and many other places have such videos available to rent.
2. Try winter cleaning: Nobody ever said you could only perform a major house cleaning in the spring. Vacuum a little faster, scrub a little harder and stretch a little farther for a clean house and a toned you. Put on some dancing music and start shaking your bon bon!
3. Join a group: Look for a mall-walking posse, or join a gym. Having an activity support system might be just the motivation you need. Find a workout buddy that will not only challenge you but encourage you.
4. Move during commercials: We all hate when the commercials come on and interrupt our favorite shows. This week focus on doing some activity during those few minutes. Walk in place, do some situps or pushups maybe even some jumping jacks. Just find a way to move.
5. Parking: Parking farther away is an easy way to get in exercise. Maybe try taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or walking to a friend’s desk at work instead of phoning or emailing.
Keep in mind that the many benefits of exercise are far better and much longer-lasting than an extra 30 minutes in bed or in front of the television. I have included this email address for some other ideas about getting in a workout while at home
Also for some great tips on how to get exercise into your everyday life go to These exercises have been seen on Dr. Oz and Good Morning America! At the top of the page you can click on exercises and vuala! Easy things to do during your everyday activities.
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