Friday, November 5, 2010

Flashback Friday: Shopping Spree

All week I have been trying to decide on what to wear to the Red Carpet Debut, that is this coming Tuesday. Unfortunately, I have not made any decisions on what I am going to wear to the event. However, this lack of inspiration from my wardrobe has been my inspiration for Flashback Friday.

I have been searching through my clothes trying to find something to wear. I have been bored and unhappy. However, as I began to try and be thankful for what I do have I remembered where most of these clothes came from. You see I reached Lifetime in November 2009. It had always been my dream while on Weight Watchers, that once I got to goal, I would go on a shopping spree.

Christmas came and went, however we did not have the money financially for any kind of spree to take place. Little did I know, the entire time, my husband had been setting aside money for me.

A few weeks before my birthday, Jon gave me an envelope with over two hundred dollars inside. He said that is was for me to go spend on new clothes! I married such an amazing man!! He came with me on my shopping spree too!! He held my clothes, told me what didn't look good, and encouraged me to step outside my box.

I loved it!! It was so much fun and such an amazing gift!! Remembering back helps me to be very thankful for the clothes that hang in my closet. I am sure that with a better attitude, I will find just the right thing to wear on Tuesday!

Here are some pictures of the clothes I got in February on my weight loss shopping spree.

Visit Tia for more flashbacks.
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Tia Colleen said...

Aww, so cool Jen!

Unknown said...

Thanks Tia!

Unknown said...

You did good girl and looking so great. Be proud.

Unknown said...

Thanks Odie!

Devon said...

that was so sweet of your husband!! :) you deserved it!

Unknown said...

Nen - I do have a sweet husband! Thanks!

Michael and Jen said...

Beautiful clothes! Jon is a great guy and you two are so cute together!

Losing Brownies said...

Cute!! What a great husband!

For your red carpet, why not visit a recycled clothes shop? The ones we have here are Buffalo exchange and Name Brand Exchange. They buy clothes that are in style and resell them. I bet you could find something super cute that way!

MarieElizabeth said...

That was such a thoughtful (and useful) gift. Good for you! I'm sure you will look fantastic for the red carpet walk.

Unknown said...

Jen - Thanks!! Jon is the best husband!

MarieElizabeth - Thank you! I will post pictures of my red carpet debut some time this week.

Losing Brownies - That is a great idea! Thanks!!


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